How To Cultivate Your Poise With Style & Beauty.

Often when we are on a level-up journey, we will begin to cultivate our poise by focusing on style and beauty.

The reason for this is, is because looking good is such a great motivator.

Think about it. When you receive compliments on your outward beauty, you can often feel validated in the time care, and attention that you put into looking good.

This in turn inspires us to do this in other areas of our lives.

This is the exact reason I love to share my beauty reviews with my Instagram, YouTube, & Blog viewers.

However, by saying that, Poise does not come from a dress or a shade of lipstick. It emerges when you decide to care about the way that you look.

One of the ways our beauty emerges from the decision to cultivate poise is in the way that we style ourselves.

But, there are other ways in which we can do this:


Have you ever gone to lunch with a friend, and they walk in wearing a stunning colour. A colour that you have not dared to wear yet?

You compliment them, and they suggest that you try wearing the colour as well.

And it is at this moment you start self-deprecating. You start saying how you couldn't wear that colour, or perhaps it would make you look larger than you are, etc.

These days, when I find myself doing this, I ask myself a few questions:

  • "Would I talk to a friend this way?"

  • "Is there a way that I could work this into my wardrobe or life?"

  • "What do I have to lose by just trying, and seeing if this could work for me"


Did you know that you can address your negative feelings about the way that you look? Of course, we're not advocating for you to get hundreds of plastic surgery procedures.
However, what is in your control?

Is there a way that you can address your negative feelings about the way that you look?

How can you change or support these changes?

  • Does this mean that you need to sign up with a personal trainer who will help keep you accountable?

  • Does this mean that you will need to start meal prepping on a Sunday afternoon? Before the hustle and bustle of the week begin?

  • Do you need to start seeing a skincare specialist, who will give you a plan to eliminate your acne scarring?

Finishing this point, ask yourself " Is there a way that you can present yourself better"... Even if you do not achieve the above.

  • -f you are looking to lose some weight, and haven't done so yet, perhaps you can buy some new clothing that will fit better. This may give you the elegant look that you are hoping to achieve. Rather than ill-fitting clothing.

  • If you are looking to take care of your skin better, and cannot afford to go to see a skincare therapist. Perhaps you could look and see what options there are on YouTube for your skin type, and see how you can remedy it at home.


If you were stuck in an elevator with me, and you had to describe your style to us before I reached my floor... Would you be able to?

I have a question, would you say that your "true style" is represented by the clothing that you currently have and wear?

One's true style should be obvious to them, and their viewers.
Your true style would be how you dressed if nothing else mattered.

Are you struggling to answer this question?
If you said yes, we would take a bet that your true style isn't apparent to you because your stylistic eye is being clouded by outside influences.

*cough-cough* Social media, TikTok, YouTube, Television.

We live in a day and age where we are constantly being advertised to, whether you realise it or not. But with that said, if you are struggling to assess whether you know your true style or not.

I encourage you to take stock of whom you are following on social media, and ask yourself?

  • Does this person dress the way that I would like to dress?

  • Does this person reflect the way that I would like to see myself?

  • Does this person have a similar body type to mine? Or would I have to adapt their fashion choices to better suit my body type?

What I found, was that we were following people on Instagram & TikTok that were so far from how we wanted to dress. And that was severely clouding our judgment in our fashion & style choices... and even what venues & establishments that we visited.

Find your chic & poised-filled inspiration accounts. Take stock of what they wear, and where they go.

* In the comments, let us know if you could dress how you wanted, what would you wear? *


Have you heard of a 10 Item Wardrobe? Or a Capsule Wardrobe?

I first heard about it from author Jennifer L. Scott, in her "Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic" book.

Jennifer always puts a YouTube video out about her 10 Item wardrobe. And after observing her do this for a few seasons, I thought that I could finally do it too.

The number of items that you include in your wardrobe each season can vary. You do not need to choose 10 items like Jennifer or I have. Pick a number that is comfortable for you.

However, one of the things that I personally noticed was... I had a lot of clothes, but I was only wearing my 'favourites'. This was the thing that allowed me to see that a 10 item wardrobe could fit seamlessly into my life. Because in reality, I was only wearing a few outfits a month anyways.

Or... slight variations of one outfit.

I also am finding that I am getting my money's worth out of the clothing that I buy, and at the end of the season. The items that are still in good quality, and not looking worn, I carry through to the next season.

Who doesn't love a good value on ' cost per wear '? This also makes those higher price point items come down in price. When you factor in how much you will wear them if included in your 10 item wardrobe the price tag doesn't seem so scary.

* In the comments, let me know is there a movie that you resonate with style-wise? *


6 Ways You Can Use Accessories To Cultivate Your Poise.